View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000077BwPostmanGeneralpublic2019-01-23 21:10
ReporterRomana Assigned ToRomana  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.3.0 
Target Version2.2Fixed in Version2.2 
Summary0000077: Specific help links to online documentation at backend
DescriptionRight now there is only one Link to the forum as help link on all views. When the documentation is revised, the help links can direct to the appropriate chapter/page of the documentation
TagsNo tags attached.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-08-04 23:14 Romana New Issue
2018-05-26 10:31 Romana Reproducibility have not tried => N/A
2018-05-26 10:31 Romana Status new => confirmed
2018-05-26 10:31 Romana Target Version => 2.2
2019-01-22 22:09 Romana Assigned To => Romana
2019-01-22 22:09 Romana Status confirmed => assigned
2019-01-23 21:08 Romana Status assigned => resolved
2019-01-23 21:08 Romana Fixed in Version => 2.2
2019-01-23 21:08 Romana Summary better help links to improved doumentation => Specific help links to online documentation at backend